Back On Track

Okay. Nobody reads these but I like doing them and it has been a while. NEWS!

Let me kick off with Parallelis’s remix of Let’s Play, which is super cool.

I have decided I am going to go back through some of my old posts and pull them down, mainly the ones about a website I had ten years ago which I only really put up for my friends to have a giggle about how stupid I am. I want to focus on actually writing about music and music related adventures or listenings.

My Three Hour Song project was a success for me. It achieved what I wanted, which was to get some songs finished and online. Out of this I got some really good pieces that I am proud of, such as Cineplex and Century 21 Calling, which have since been reworked. It also brought me some attention from other bands, artists and a film dude.
As seen above Parallelis wanted to rework my song Let’s Play, a favour I need to repay, and the super band Palette Town, who have the best named band members ever, got one of my songs played on the radio in Miami. Who I have done something special for that they will be showing the World very soon.
My music was also used in the trailer for a comedy web-series, A 1-UP Kind of Life. Go check it out.

Three Hour Song #15: You See Me Here

Song number fifteen for the Three Hour Song project.

It has been a while since make a video but here it is. I have been playing with the idea to make a few videos in Minecraft but nothing came of it. So I am going to ask around and see if I can get a team and come up with some ideas.
I want to see if I could make a video using Minecraft but with some darker music, like this song, and see how it works out.

I do have another song and it is a very jolly pop song, I will be making a video for that on the weekend at Kew Gardens. If it all works out it will be a very fun video.


Three Hour Song #14: Dead Air

Song number fourteen for the Three Hour Song project.

Learn how to poke meat with a pencil.
This one has no vocals as it was originally intended to be my second attempt at the Veela – Night Vision remix competition but I don’t think it was good as my first entry so I never used it. I intended to put my own vocals to it but I had Veela’s original melody in my head so never did.
So instead of leaving it lying about I thought I would throw it out in to the world.

The reason for the slow down on new songs is because I have been reworking some of the good tracks to perform live. At the moment The Organ Plays is the only one to have had any real work done to it and hope all none of my subscribers and followers will enjoy.


Three Hour Song #11: Act Your Age

Song number eleven for the Three Hour Song project.

Just a tad more electronic than the last few.


Three Hour Song

EDIT: I have more in-depth and up-to-date information about the project HERE

I have started a new musical project, the Three Hour Song. I have challenged myself to actually get a piece of music written and recorded in less than four hours, including lyrics which is the hardest part for me. I will then make a video using free archive footage from all different places and then post it on YouTube for people to stare at as YouTube seems to be “The Place to Bee“.

I had been looking at free footage for some other non-musical project I have been planning and then after watching a whole bunch of Jonathan Mann’s Song A Day videos I put things together and this idea came out.

At the moment I am making a few videos for some Three Hour Songs I did about a year ago that were uploaded onto my hai! Robotto Soundcloud page. These are going to be put under the Tiny Stars of Paris name and I will make a new Soundcloud page so all the music will be available for download. And if people seem to respond to my idea I will set-up Facebook pages and all the other stuff you have to do in this modern world.

There is one thing I would like to ask, which is help on ideas and lyrics. The music itself I can do, I would just like suggestions of topics or even bits of lyrics, or even a genre to write in.