Album Clum

For the past year or so I have been part of Hull’s Album Clum. Every month a different classic album is picked and everyone does a cover of a song or songs. Because I achieved a score of over five a page was made for my covers. And also what is the most horrible photo taken of me. The hat was put on me and it was only about a minute after I had gotten off stage from a gig.

My page can be viewed here.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

This photo overlaps with the next, which is why there is a chimney in the bush. It was on purpose.

Here are some photos of one of my several trips to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. The YSP is one of my favourite places to visit and something I really miss now I live down South. It is free, although you have to pay for parking, and it is full of things in fields.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

This image was very pale before editing and I am really happy with how it turned out.

One of the great things about the Diana+ is that you have to manually wind the film on. This means you can overlap images which is something I attempted a few times which can be seen in the first photo. The only problem with this is if you have to get your film developed in a shop they may not understand what you were doing and think you are an idiot.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park


To see more photos of Yorkshire Sculpture Park click here.
My girlfriend has more photos of the YSP here. She can take photos that are not blurred.

Hello Mr. Licky

I have just found out that Gamesradar UK uses the remix I did for Sabrepulse’s Famicom Connection for its podcast theme.
This is something that is really strange to me because it was just a song I remixed for a friend, although it isn’t quite a remix, in my bedroom of a song that was written in a bedroom. Like I have said previously I don’t mind my music, or music I worked on in some way, being used but I am curious as to if Ash was asked about this before hand. On top of that is is a song that is almost five years old.
From what I have seen Gamesradar is a pretty big thing so that means hundreds of people will be listening to something I worked on each time a new podcast is released.

Oh! Mr. Darcy

Chatsworth House

All you need is LVOE

Last Summer I visited Chatsworth House. Still not being used to handling a Diana+ camera half of the photos were unusable and half of the ones that did get developed were not that great. I wasn’t originally going to upload them all but after quickly messing with the levels in the photo editing program of choice I was quite happy with them.

Chatsworth House

Some blurry stuff in a blurry thing near a blurry smudge

As you can see from these I am completely useless at photography but I still enjoy it. These are two that I didn’t like at all from the prints but after editing the colours I really like them.
One of my favourite things about Chatsworth House was that in the gift shop you could buy prints of a painting of Mr Darcy. And by Mr Darcy I mean Colin Firth.

Chatsworth House

Chatsworth House

To see more photos I have taken of Chatsworth House click here.
My girlfriend also has some photos she took when we were on this trip, they can be seen over here on her blog. Most of these photos were taken with her SuperSampler.

By Her Side

I have just uploaded a new song to my various places. This is a song that was originally intended to be on a new childrenofdos compilation album, but seeing as I haven’t heard from the COD boys in quite a long time I thought I would upload it rather then let it hide away on my harddrive.

It is 8-bit with a bit of okay vocals. Enjoy.

My bad photography

Spurn Point

Spurn Point

A couple years ago I bought a Diana+ camera. Although I am not that great at actually using it I still enjoy it. So far none of my photos have been exposed properly but with a mix of the colours and texture with a little bit of colour editing in a photo editing program I have got some images I really like, even if they are blurred.

Lake District

Lake District

Although I took several photos in the Lake District and at Spurn Point most of them were either far too exposed or not exposed enough so I have put them together for this post.



When practising with the camera I took a few photos around my house in Hull and in East Park, and those turned out quite well. Before editing these were quite pale.

East Park

East Park Lake

To see the other photos or the Lakes, Spurn Point and Hull click on the links that are just there.

Lauwine is dead. Long live Lauwine

I have now finally finished the new mix of the eight year old album In The Wake Of… by my first band Lauwine. Considering how bad some of the recordings are I think I have done quite a nice job of it. Here it is available to download and kiss.

In The Wake Of… by Lauwine

The songs Elements Of The Unoriginal, Nine Lies, My Regret, Dog Rocket Monkey Jar, Three Dead Carp and In The Wake Of Lauwine all came from our first recording session, then the other four songs were recorded about a year later. All of these were recorded at ATM college were we met.

For this new mix I decided I would remove all the silly effects and over the top reverbs that plagued the original mixes and make them as clear as I possibly could. Just a little compression and EQing where needed.

Listening back to the songs it is a shame Luke wasn’t around to add his guitar parts. The song that really feels empty compared to the rest due to this is Reading With The Lights Off, which was always one of my favourites to play live. With the lack of second guitar it has a strange funk metal feel to it.

From what I remember Nine Lies would have been our oldest song that stayed with us till the end. It was one of the first songs we wrote along with Get Out And Walk, DTL and Can I Kiss It Better? An early version of Nine Lies had a massive electro middle eight, because I had a habit of messing with things I shouldn’t. It was always a great live song with a great deal of screaming, noise and falling about.

My Regret was dropped from our repertoire for being rubbish and then added again for being really good.

This brings us on to Dog Rocket Monkey Jar……..the bain of my life. I did grow to hate this Steve title song. It does have an incredibly catchy hook and is perfect for flinging yourself around to, but I think it is the ridiculous stupidity of the guitar that made me eventually hate the song even though it was always our most popular.

Three Dead Carp was one of few songs to have me as lead vocals, Nine Lies, Can I Kiss It Better? and My Ollie And Lissa being the only other ones I remember. When it came to vocals I was always comfortable singing live and could just about pass at times but when it came to recording I fell flat on my face as evident here.

Pierced Through The Spine Of An Open Book was always one of my favourite songs. I think it was a perfect example of what we could all do and how well me and Sam could bounce off each other. It also has an amazing ending.

In the Wake Of Lauwine was written at the point when we were thinking of changing our name so the song was originally just going to be called Lauwine. This song was a big turning point for us because it was us pushing our song writing abilities. Several sections of songs, big changes and me and Sam throwing vocals at each other. For a long time it was our big finisher up until the magical day that a special song fell from our finger tips.

As soon as Only A Walk Away was written it was clear that it was our biggest song. The whole thing based around one really simple guitar part. This was such a massive ending to our shows we would always repeat the ending and just put all we had left in to it. On a few occasions the Swordface boys would come and join for backing vocals.
When it came to the recorded version I really wanted to make something special by adding synths and strings. This is a song I have always missed playing live since the band split.

So there we have it. In The Wake Of… by Lauwine. There was at least one more song written since we did the last recording session. But I am not sure if this has survived on any practise tapes recorded by Sam or even captured on video as I think it was only played live a couple of times.
There are several cassette tapes and a couple of live videos that Sam should have that will have some songs that never got finished or never made it to be performed live. There is a CD of us playing live at Room recorded straight from the desk that if I can find time may add up here for download.

You have been listening to:
Sam Webb – Bass and Vocals
Steve Baldwin – Drums
Bob Stephenson – Guitar and Vocals
Luke James – Guitar (Tracks 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9)