Back On Track

Okay. Nobody reads these but I like doing them and it has been a while. NEWS!

Let me kick off with Parallelis’s remix of Let’s Play, which is super cool.

I have decided I am going to go back through some of my old posts and pull them down, mainly the ones about a website I had ten years ago which I only really put up for my friends to have a giggle about how stupid I am. I want to focus on actually writing about music and music related adventures or listenings.

My Three Hour Song project was a success for me. It achieved what I wanted, which was to get some songs finished and online. Out of this I got some really good pieces that I am proud of, such as Cineplex and Century 21 Calling, which have since been reworked. It also brought me some attention from other bands, artists and a film dude.
As seen above Parallelis wanted to rework my song Let’s Play, a favour I need to repay, and the super band Palette Town, who have the best named band members ever, got one of my songs played on the radio in Miami. Who I have done something special for that they will be showing the World very soon.
My music was also used in the trailer for a comedy web-series, A 1-UP Kind of Life. Go check it out.

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